Flowermonkey creates beautiful and unique wedding flowers for Berkshire, Hampshire and Surrey. From stunning bridal bouquets and bridesmaid bouqets to memorable buttonholes, flowergirl headpieces and petal confetti. We will also dress your church and venue to coordinate with centerpieces that will make an impact, swoon worthy top tables and decorated table plans
We can work with any themes or colours from rustic and vintage using ivories, creams soft pinks and pastel greens, to crisp and modern with bright and vibrant colours such as white, pink and yellow,
flowermonkey also has a wide selection of props to hire
All the data we hold about you will have been provided by you. This has either been done in person at a wedding fair, open day or tasting event, or via social media/email or via the Flowermonkey website form.
The information that we hold is what we have asked you, such as your name, mobile number, email address and date of your wedding.
We use this information to discuss your order and/or enquiry with you. The information is not sent or sold to any third parties.
Our website contains links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to Flowermonkey. We advise you to the check the policy of any other site you access.
We do not send any generic marketing emails. We only contact you with regard to your quote or order. We may contact you after the wedding to ask for feedback or for photographs from your wedding day.
If you wish to view the information that we hold on you, please contact us either by email or telephone. Once we have confirmed your identity we can provide the data requested.
Please inform us if you wish to rectify or erase any of your data.
Policy last updated, May 2018.
Your Data
Privacy Policy | Copyright © 2019 Flowermonkey